The Need

The Sports Complex is intended for the use of both faculty and trainees of the college, in various personal and group sports activities.

The Vision

Our vision for the Sports Complex was first and foremost to provide visitors – trainees, faculty and instructors – with a comfortable and efficient training experience, which can address a wide variety of activities. We also wanted to allow easy access and connectivity with the adjacent sports fields and swimming pool.

The Design

The complex houses a sports hall designed for basketball, volleyball, and soccer practices and games, and a tribunal for 200 spectators; 2 gyms for faculty members and trainees; designated rooms for physical activities such as spinning, Krav Maga, and general workout. Additionally, the complex includes showers, offices, a kitchenette, and multi-purpose storage rooms.

When designing the sports hall, a special emphasis was placed on climate planning – the airing and air-conditioning features were required to comply with physical activity carried out in a desert environment, while taking into consideration efficient energy consumption.

The showers and toilets of the sports hall were planned and placed in a way that they could serve the adjacent swimming facilities.