The Need

The project will be the heart of the innovation center and will act as a workplace and meeting point for students and researchers participating in the university’s impact hubs.

The Vision

A space that projects uniqueness, innovation and a connection to multi-faceted research, and provides a platform for groundbreaking encounters.

The Design

Impact Hub is located in a building that was inaugurated in 1985, that contains four floors and a basement. The area size of each floor is rather small and the general architectural design of the structure is complex. In this project we worked on the basement, the second floor and the courtyard adjacent to the building, that can be accessed from the basement.

As part of the program, we were asked to design multi-functional spaces. For example, the basement is a multi-functional open workspace with detachable working stations, “islands”, that can be removed in events such as lectures or meetings. As a solution we built customized “floating” desks that are attached to the ceiling and which can be folded and stored overhead, thus creating an open space without taking up area for storage.

The second floor has offices, meeting rooms, and an open lounge area.

In the adjacent courtyard, we planned lounging areas as well as unique outdoor working stations