The Need

Following the development of the north-eastern side of the campus, the need for a new entrance to this particular area was felt. The new entrance will improve the university’s accessibility and orientation system by redirecting university-goers from walking through the entire campus before reaching this area.

The Vision

Constructing a new entrance gate, which will express the university’s special spirit, a national-Jewish university; a gate that will embody the institution’s unique symbolism.

The Design

Gate no. 10 is Bar-Ilan University’s main entrance gate to the north-east area of the campus. The gate complex is constructed from three segments: two are small and partially transparent structures, which house all security and control functionalities and are populated 24/7. The third segment is the large roof that covers the entire complex and which allows comfortable control over the traffic of vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists throughout the year and different weather conditions.

The roof itself is constructed from two interconnecting triangles, which together create a spatial interpretation of the Star of David, symbolizing Bar-Ilan’s a national-Jewish university, while the transparency of the security structures symbolized the transparency and academic freedom that characterize the institution’s ethos.

The finishing materials used for this project are mainly HPL with a light concrete tone, glass and stone.

The construction is currently at its early stages.